Focus and Scope

The main scope of the journal is to publish original research articles in the area of mechanical engineering. The editorial team aims to publish high-quality and highly applied research and innovation that has the potential to be widely disseminated, taking into consideration the potential mechanical engineering that it could generate with a special focus on Mechanical Engineering with scopes:

- Energy Conversion

JMEF accepts manuscripts written in the field of energy conversion with several limitations. Given the broad field of energy conversion, JMEF has limited the scope to mechanical and thermal energy conversion. Furthermore, the scope itself constrainted by several criteria. In more detail, JMEF only considers on study of the mechanical properties and design of conversion equipment to improve energy efficiency during the conversion process. Therefore, the topic of chemical processes and reactions that indirectly or directly affect the efficiency of thermal energy conversion is outside the scope of JMEF.

- Machine and Mechanism Design

- Manufacturing Technology

- Material Engineering

- Mechatronics

- Biomechanics